Enjoy your stay at Madrid!
I was born in Madrid and I lived here for over 20 years. I also had the change of travel a lot for business raisons. The purpose of this blog is to help you make the best out of your visit to Madrid and to give you the rights places and the tips that I believe are the best for you. Se lets get into our subjet: Madrid, What to do, where to go?
If you wonder why I write this blog, I will share with you that I have three passions in life, travel, photography and technology, and to be fare with you the order of preference depends on the day and my mood. In any case this blogs allows me to discover new places, spend time making pictures and playing with my blog to make new stuff, so as the famous commercial will say “WHAT ELSE”.
As I said the places that I recommended are the ones that I visited and I believe that they are good enough to be recommended.
I will not go to thought the typical guide stuff as population, size, currency and things like that; I’m sure you already have all that cover.
All the posts that you will find in Madridallincluded.com are more practical ones, likes what it worth to do in Madrid, the right places to go, how to move in the city, airports, events, etc. Also, how to enjoy Madrid like a “Madrileño” (Madrid’s local people) and not t just all the tourist places that there is no intrest and are expensive.
I create themes and tags for every post so it will be easier for you to find the right subjects like (soccer, clubbing, family, bars, visits, business, transport, events, shopping, etc.)
You will enjoy it Madrid and if you have any request that is not cover yet in the blog, just let me know and I will try to help you! 😉
Enjoy your visit, have fun!!
Madrid, ES | 46°F light rain | |
Wind 13 mph, S Humidity 87% Pressure 0.98 atm |